The Peace

I am looking for the peace, friends. After two nights of rioting in beautiful downtown Louisville, I am simply looking for the peace. I went to bed with my stomach in knots. I feared for the safety of all of those who were protesting in the name of Breona Taylor. I feared for those journalists and photographers whose job is to cover the chaos. You see, I am all for justice and peaceful protesting to heightened our community awareness, but when other individuals use the opportunity to push their own agenda of violence and destruction of property, I have to wonder, well, WTAF? Even Breona’s sister pleaded for protesters to go home before someone gets hurt. No one listened.

And yes, we are dealing with a race matter, but it is also a human situation. I can’t unsee what happened the last two nights. But, here is what I appreciate. Some of the brilliant photographers, that I used to work with at The Courier-Journal, captured some moments where humanity was in the spotlight. A picture of a line of white people acting as a barrier between the police and black protesters. Another of a white police officer, who was separated from his group, protected by a group of black protesters. And, one of a black man carrying a white woman, who had been injured. Focus on the helpers. That is where I find the hope. The glimpse of humanity. The promise that this can be repaired.

Friends, we are not all in the same boat, but right now, we have all been thrown into this storm of adversity. For me, I am sad and bewildered. How does this honor the victim? How is justice carried out for her when the agenda of some of those participating turns to destruction? It clouds the purpose of the cause. Bottom line, nothing changes if nothing changes. This is the moment that we need some shifts in perception. This is the moment we need effective leadership. Nothing changes until the problem is acknowledged. We have ignored it far too long.

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