Not All There

Friends, I am confident in the realization that 2020, not only has changed the course of our society, but it has robbed me of my brain. Maybe I am a bit consumed over the surgery that is upcoming next Friday or maybe I am just brain dead from this overstimulating year. Whatever the case, I… Continue reading Not All There

What Else

I feel like I should just make a big bowl of popcorn, sit back, and watch the shit show unfold before me. Monday was an interesting day. If you have been a diligent follower of my blog, and haven’t gotten sick of my rants, you know that I have been dealing with a tendon issue… Continue reading What Else


Since 2020 seems to be The Twilight Zone on crack, I wake up each day resigned to the reality that there will be some sort of shit show occurring. There is a level of acceptance and honestly, it provides a way for me to simply be numb to it all. I fill up with distractions.… Continue reading Handy


As most of you who read my blog know, our sweet 12-year-old Basset hound, Daisy departed this world on Wednesday for greener pastures. Because of her declining health, we consulted with a hospice veterinarian, who came to our home. While we did this as a family, each person was given the opportunity to opt out,… Continue reading Parting