Cleanse Timeout

I woke up this morning feeling foggy.   Eyes throbbing, nose congested, and sounding like a bad imitation of sad bull frog.  It appears that I was grabbed in the middle of the night by a dreaded cold.   Not sure if you one would agree with me, but when I am sick, everything is… Continue reading Cleanse Timeout

Inner Child

Somewhere, on the journey, I created this illusion that my feelings where always connected to my relationships.  I guess it surfaced because relationships tend to bring up feelings, but as I grow older, I am becoming more aware that it is more of my inner being that tends to fuels these revelations. Past experiences can… Continue reading Inner Child

Urban Legend

My sister posted on Facebook recently, her name definition that she found in the Urban Dictionary.  It was funny because her name is very unusual, so I was surprised it was in there.  On this rainy Sunday morning, I decided to peruse my name and see if the definitions were even close to how I… Continue reading Urban Legend

Well Done!

So, back to school week is always a challenge, especially when you have kids starting new journeys. Getting routines back in check and having everyone on the same page can present some obstacles, but I would not trade the experience for anything in the world. Being a mom has been the most gratifying job I… Continue reading Well Done!

Their Story

Yes, I read the obituaries. It started several years ago, after my husband’s forty year old uncle passed away. I peruse each person on the page, not looking for someone I know necessarily, but absorbing their life story wrapped up in a paragraph or two. I am intrigued by their education history, interests, surviving family,… Continue reading Their Story