So….That Happened

I am going to be honest here. I mean, I really try to be transparent when I share in this blog, which hopefully makes me relatable. Today, it is beyond important that I open the vault. In the thirty-five years that I have been of age to vote, I have never watched an entire Presidential… Continue reading So….That Happened

Giddy Girl

Today is the day. Four weeks of a colorful cast whose luster wore off about 15 minutes into wearing it. Six weeks of non-weight bearing. Six weeks of being less than proficient in driving a scooter. Ladies, you know the feeling you get when you take your bra after a full day? This is the… Continue reading Giddy Girl

Tough Choices

If you have ever had to care for an elderly family member, one who tests your patience and makes you want to go into the witness protection program, raise your hand. Yep. I knew there would be a lot of you. Here’s the deal, I just made a tough choice that was not popular with… Continue reading Tough Choices

I Remember

I remember September 11, 2001 like it happened yesterday. I remember watching in disbelief as the plane made contact with the first tower. I remember wanting to pickup my boys and bring them home instead of letting them finish out their school day. I remember going to a Weight Watchers meeting later that day where… Continue reading I Remember