My Confession

I have a confession. Honestly, the sole blame lies at the feet of my youngest. It was his fault I got sucked in and am wallowing in a sea of disappointment. My name is Allison and I watched every episode of The Bachelorette this summer. Let me state for the record, that I haven’t watched… Continue reading My Confession

All My Effort

Remember all the research or “investigative stalking”, that Bryce accused me of regarding his roommate? Well, it was a colossal waste of my time. (Cue the exaggerated sigh.) When we arrived on campus with all of Bryce’s crap, he was alerted that not only did his room assignment change but so did the roommate. Bryce… Continue reading All My Effort

Coming Around

I am finally seeing an evolution of a relationship between my two boys. If you have been reading my blog for a while, I wrote about a bit of a discord between Bailey and Bryce last year. It wasn’t on Bailey’s end, but rather his brother. Standing in his shoes, I get where he was… Continue reading Coming Around


I have to admit that my family provides some of the best material. This morning, I was hardly through my cup of liquid gold, when my spouse tries to enlighten me on his way of thinking. My brain is a tad fuzzy in the morning. Comprehension is hit or miss. It is literally hotter than… Continue reading What?


Sometimes, I am completely baffled at how some individuals function in the outside world. Recently, our community has been inundated with car break-ins. While this has always been an issue, the difference is that a good amount of the cars violated have had guns in them. Yes, my friends, people leaving their guns in their… Continue reading Reminders


This happens to me all the time. The self-deprecating voices that urge me to sabotage successes. The voices that preach that I am not good enough or worthy. Those voices are complete and utter assholes urging me to rationalize and justify my actions. Those bitches are evil. I don’t think that I have ever committed… Continue reading Slip