Everyone Has One

Let’s talk about opinions. As my spouse so eloquently says, “Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.” While the image in my head makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out, it is extremely accurate. I have been plagued this week by a barrage of emails relating to an organization that we belong to. Due… Continue reading Everyone Has One

The Umbrella

I like to be prepared. When the skies darkened yesterday, I retrieved my umbrella as I walked into my morning meeting. As I left, I was so pleased that I had thought ahead. The rain was coming down steadily and I smirked as people ran to their cars, without the tools to shield themselves from… Continue reading The Umbrella


I grew up with the belief that appearances where everything. What was happening on the inside of our home wasn’t reflected to the outside world. I think it was pretty much the norm. Nobody aired their dirty laundry. We simply kept up a facade. Now, I am not saying that my home growing up was… Continue reading Appearances

Deep Thoughts

I am in an odd place right now. There is a lot going on, yet there isn’t. Probably doesn’t make sense to you. Don’t worry, it doesn’t make sense to me either. I have my manuscript sitting on the counter silently mocking me. Sure, it thinks it is being helpful. Maybe it thinks that I… Continue reading Deep Thoughts


I slept a lot yesterday. My body seemed to have simply halted in an effort to recover from the week. Grief is a palpable opponent. And just when I thought we could take a breath, we got word that one of Brian aunt’s passed away Friday night. Loss is everywhere. But, through the grief, there… Continue reading Continuing


I can always identify the moments where I am not completely in my own body. When I am distracted and not fully paying attention. The week has been so heavy that I have found myself doing incredibly stupid shit. Last night, I decided that I was not cooking dinner. The effort seemed too much, so… Continue reading Distracted