The Other Part

This parenting of a special needs individual comes with additional perks that typical parents are probably so green with envy they can barely string the words together to express it.   This morning, I get to take my delightful self to the social security office.  You are probably wondering how I continue to accumulate all of these opportunities to spread my ray of sunshine into the world.   My life is golden.

After receiving several letters.  Yes, apparently our government is no longer in debt, so  this particular  office sends the same letter twice.  One for me and one for Bailey.  It is very kind of them to be so generous while killing so many innocent trees.   The reason for my visit is a very ambiguous letter that I received last week.  Apparently, Bailey has received enough work credits to get disability along with his SSI monthly payments.  The kicker is that the disability payments are considered income and need to be reported as such along his regular work check.  However, that will affect the amount of his SSI payment.  On the back of the same letter, it stated the exact opposite of what the front said.   The whole letter read like a riddle and I am deeply  rooted in my dislike of those.   I am also very annoyed that I have to engage with another human being face to face on this matter.   But, like a good little soldier, I will be there right when they open.  My expectations are below sea level.

On the positive side, all of this advocacy with random government agencies has provided me with a lot of writing material.   And, let’s face it, it sharpens my negotiating skills since half of the time I feel like I am in a hostage situation.    Hopefully, this will not be a repeat performance of the time I was at the Medicaid office where there was a tornado drill.  My motto of “a crowd of people is a no from me” was blown to bits that day.

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