Revolving Door

I feel like I am writing a series as much as I have blogged about my mother’s caregiver situation. In true form, we are back to square one. Yesterday, I got a call from the agency – cue my PTSD every time I see their name on my Caller ID – telling me that my… Continue reading Revolving Door

Great Men

Today is bittersweet as my own father has been gone for almost fourteen years. But, this day reminds me of the great men that have influenced me, supported my dreams, and accepted me for me. That is a tall order as I am complicated, stubborn, and a twisted ray of sunshine wrapped in a black… Continue reading Great Men


I was in the midst of revisions when my phone rang yesterday morning. The caller ID revealed that it was the agency my mother’s caregiver works for. I am not psychic, but I was pretty confident that they were calling to inform me that the caregiver would not be coming to work. Ding, ding, ding.… Continue reading Void

You Are Special

The other night, while minding my own business, I heard music drifting from downstairs. It isn’t uncommon as that is Bailey’s domain and he has impromptu concerts. What I wasn’t prepared for was the artist or shall I say, dinosaur that sings these songs. Yep, Bailey has reverted back to Barney. That hideous purple dinosaur… Continue reading You Are Special

Another Week

Mom’s caregiver has been cleared to come back to work today. Thank. Sweet. Baby. Jesus. I am not cut out for a full-time gig where I spend more time inwardly screaming than being patient and kind. I know my limitations. Probably a good thing I did not become a nurse. I spent a semester in… Continue reading Another Week


This week has been weird. Weird in the sense that it took a while for my germ invasion to clear and having my mother thrown in the mix of that because of her caregiver’s accident, well, it has made for a bumpy ride. On top of that, I am behind on my revisions and wondering… Continue reading Why?

What Now

Monday was bliss. My mother was enjoying her new caregiver and I was patting myself on the back for a job well-done. Of course, I should have known that my euphoric bubble would burst. Yesterday, my caller ID revealed the agency that employs the caregiver. My stomach clenched. I started to break out into a… Continue reading What Now