What is Happening?

Every time life is presenting me with challenges aka opportunities, I can hear my friend’s voice in my head and it makes me laugh. When I was in Santa Fe last summer with some friends, we went to this very odd establishment called Meow Wolf. The concept is set up for visitors to experience unique art… Continue reading What is Happening?

Tool Tester

I like to think of myself as a cool, confident 51-year old woman who has her shit together. It’s an illusion, but I have always like to play pretend. Some days I can pull that appearance off like a champ and then there are other moments where I give off the attitude of a monkey… Continue reading Tool Tester

It’s Me

Yesterday, while driving Brian’s car, I had an epiphany. It was my Oprah “ah-ha” moment. His car syncs up to the phone of the driver which allows me to play my music. However, this time it kept posting a message saying that my Bluetooth wasn’t on. Since, I was driving, I ignored it while vowing… Continue reading It’s Me

The Echo

Sometimes I despise when my phone rings because I never know if it is going to be a conversation that enlightens me or annoys me. I love caller ID because it gives me the freedom to simply not answer. The other day, after Bryce’s wisdom teeth removal, I received a call from a number I… Continue reading The Echo


Sometimes I am amused at the situations that occur providing me with excellent writing material. I mean, I seriously can’t make this shit up. Yesterday, I took Bryce to have his wisdom teeth removed. The day before I had stocked up on his favorite drinks and food items along with the medications that he was… Continue reading Typical